Sunday, September 28, 2008

Posted Videos

In my posting videos, i hoped to bring fans closer to the event.
However, i neglected to check what quality setting my camera was set to and only realised it was on the lowest quality setting after. i could really kill mself. Hope you have fun looking at grainy video.

Spectators were allowed onto the track right after the qualifiers concluded. Seems like an odd practice, contrary to safety concerns that are ever so present these days.

The Marina Bay Grandstands was the only section where the F1 cars drove under any seating structures. At the lower deck, i was able to get a different view of the action, with the noise at a deafening volume in the confined area.

Grainy view from the track. Apologise for the video quality setting.

Prior to the F1 qualifiers, Porches had a go on the track.

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