Wednesday, September 24, 2008

2 days to race nighttttt.... (sounds like an Iron maiden song)

Race day is approaching, The breakneck pace and flurry of activity around the circuit stokes the excitement of race fans and ordinary citizens in equal measure, probably converting some to the F1 appreciating camp as well. Blocked roads have cars backed up road not meant to accommodate rush hour traffic, diversions lengthen commute times, i wonder how Monaco copes with the sole artery being l'avenue Princess Grace. Wouldn't think the cornishe moyen would be a good idea considering how Princess Grace, after which the road mentioned above is named, perished after careening off the cliffs. Perilous journeys to work or joyrides aside, i bring to you here, for the benefit of all F1 fans who aren;t in the island state to experience the state of the traffic, scenes behind the scenes of the making of the SG F1 GP.

View of the track itself and workers setting everything up from banners to food stands

I managed to walk past a barricade and got onto the portion of the track right outside the Old Supreme Court.

Here are pictures of the grandstand facing the Old Supreme Court and the entrance to Gate 2.

More pictures of the same grand stand by night.

Policemen mill around, preventing access by the public onto the track.

View of the track while on the track.

People milling around on the track.

more police and tourists milling around.

View of the portion of the track right outside City Hall.

The SG F1 GP banners on my walk to work.

The ticketing booth right outside the Victoria Concert Hall.

The turn after the old bridge around the corner of the Fullerton Hotel.
Fullerton Hotel is in the background with the red/orange tiled roof.

Pictures of the Chicanes laid out on the turn outside the Old Supreme Court.

RBS is a sponsor, apparently.

Grills, Barricades, Cranes, the logistical means to a successfully held event.

Behind the Old Supreme Court, all road access is barred.

In the vicinity of the Old Parliament Building.

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