Thursday, October 2, 2008

Singapore or Malaysia

For those who own a kart, you may be wondering what are the pros and cons of leaving it in Singapore or storing it at Malaysia. I too have been pondering this question with the lack of racing space in Singapore.

We have been hearing about talks of a rack in Tuas and another in Loyang.
Kart World was already decided against due to the small compound.

The track at Tuas is a good track however the only drawback is that it isn't a dedicated Go Karting track and availability is due to a changing schedule posted onto their website.

It no doubt will hold quality, thrilling events for dirt bikes, ATVs, etc...
The rates are pretty good too at $15 / hr for tarmac usage and $30 for dirt.
In any case, that seems to be out too.

The track at Changi is apparently stalled again.

Where else than to look to the north at our neighbours.
Perhaps Plentong is the only track for now.
Checks with LTA show that there is no customs issues on the Singaporean side for taking our karts to Malaysia.
According to Lewis of PermasKarting, 50RM, is the standard fee if motor oil alone can't provide enough lubrication for us to get through.

Hopefully by the next blog, i will be able to tell you exactly how to get your kart to Malaysia.

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